Author Archive for Vedran Hasanagic


Infekcije izazvane Eserihijom koli

Postoji nekoliko vrsta infekcija koje mogu biti izazvane Eserihija koli /Escherichia coli/  bakterijom, ali najcesce su urinarne infekcije i infekcije probavnog trakta, pa cemo o tim infekcijama malo vise pisati.

Infekcije mokracnih puteva izazvane Eserihijom koli

Uropatogenicna Eserihija coli (UPEC) je uzrocnik oko devedeset posto svih urinarnih infekcija. Postoji nekoliko nacina na koje ova bakterija dospijeva u ljudski urinarni trakt. Uglavnom infekcija dolazi iz fekalija tj. naseg izmeta. Zenska populacija  ima kraci ureter nego muska i zbog toga ova bakterija se mnogo brze i lakse siri kod zena nego kod muskaraca. Iz naseg licnog iskustva, pacijenti su zene i djevojcice u vise of 90% slucajeva.

Jedan od uzrocnika  infekcija kod beba djevojcica uglavnom je neredovno mjenjanje pelena i pogresan nacin brisanja, ili pranja djecije guze. Djete uvijek treba prati i brisati od stomaka prema ledjima, a nikad obrnuto. Vazno je da se sprijeci dodir stolice sa ureterom i vaginom.
Uzrok moze biti i diranje intimnih dijelova tijela prljavim rukama. Kod odraslih Eserihija coli se moze prenijeti i seksualnim putem pogotovo ako se upraznjava analni seks.
U rijetkim slucajevima muskarac moze da ima Eserihiju u prostati i putem sperme moze da je prenese partnerki.  (napomena: Postoje tvrdnje da urinarne infekcije nisu prenosive i da nije moguce prenjeti infekciju od jednog partnera drugome putem seksualnog odnosa. Nasa iskustva govore suprotno.)

Moderna medicina ima djelimican uspijeh u lijecenju urinarnih infekcija izazvanih Eserihija coli bakterijom. Zbog otpornosti na okolinu i lijekove i njene sposobnosti da mutira, doktori prepisuju sve jace antibiotike koji uglavnom uniste i dobre bakterije, a kod zena i vaginalnu floru, gdje se zbog toga javlja izvanredna podloga za razvoj nove infekcije.

Poznati su mi slucajevi bezuspjesnih pokusaja lijecenja Eserihije antibioticima cak preko 5 godina. Nije mali broj pacijenata koji se bore sa ovom bakterijom dvije, ili vise godina.

Doktor Enes Hasanagic iz Sarajeva posvetio je vecinu svog naucnog rada izucavajuci Eserihiju i trazeci neantibiotske prirodne tretmane protiv infekcija ovom bakterijom.  Njegove “E-Kapi” i cajevi pomogle su stotinama pacijenata koji su bezuzspjesno pokusavali da izlijece urinarne infekcije antibioticima.


Infekcije probavnog trakta izazvane Eserihijom koli:

Ovakva vrsta infekcije dobija se vecinom konzumiranjem pokvarene hrane, inficiranog povrca i voca, zagadjenog i nedovoljno pecenog ili kuvanog mesa, neprokuvanog mlijeka ili vode zagadjene fekalijama.

Najpoznatija vrsta Eserihije O157:H7 moze da izazove takozvani HUS i dovede cak i do smrti.

Poznat je, ne tako davni slucaj, zagadjenja polja spinata u Americi. 2006 godine Eserihija O157:H7 dovela je do prave epidemije i uzrokovala povlacenje spinata sa trzista, kako u Americi, tako i u Kanadi. Ova vrsta Eserihija bakterije moze da bude kobna za starije, djecu, ili osobe sa vec narusenim imunitetom organizma. Zdrave odrasle osobe mogu da prodju bez vecih posljedica koje se manifestuju samo proljevom. Antibiotici ne pomazu kod ove vrste infekcije, vec mogu da  izazovu jos vece i gore posljedice.

Za tretiranje ove vrste infekcije u nekim zemljama se testira i primjenjuje takozvana “Phage Terapija” koja je za sada odobrena samo u bivsoj SSSR republici Gruziji, i Poljskoj (za Poljsku ovaj podatak nije utvrdjen)

Neke druge. rijedje infekcije izazvane Eserihijom koli

Poznati su slucajevi meningitisa izazvanog Eserihijom koli. U rijetkim slucajevima Eserihija moze da izazove i druge bolseti kao sto su upala pluca i neka septicka oboljenja. Ranije je vec pomenuto da prostata kod muskaraca moze biti inficirana ovom bakterijom.

Vedran Hasanagic


Essential Oils

It is famous as the most adaptable aromatic plant and essential oil, largely identified for its calming qualities as it quiets and rejuvenates the soul.  The smell of Lavender close to your couch encourages sleep and effortlessness sleeplessness, alleviates tension and anxious nervousness… It has a gentle delicate scent and is so mild that can be applied straightforwardly on the skin and is frequently an element in problematic skin products and ointments.

A well-liked contemporary function is for creepy-crawly bites, burns, and injures, brawny complaints, scratches, and damages. It’s outstanding for annoyance release, PMS, despair, and to detoxify and encourage the immune structure, counting, bronchitis, laryngitis and halitosis.  Lavender is frequently mixed with floral and citrus.



Calming and comforting, it is applied to reduce tension, despair or bad temper and encourage relaxing sleep.  As a bactericidal painkiller, antispasmodic, tonic, and antibacterial, it’s stated to decrease blood pressure and assist absorption.  It is applied in contemporary goods associated with shampoos, teething sets, acne, skin care, as well as conditioners.


Ylang Ylang

Best recognized for its anti-tension effect to calm nervousness and melancholy, to calm down and encourage sleep, and to intensify sanity, functioning as an aphrodisiac. It has a charming fragrance, individuals find sensual and interesting.  It is moreover applied as an antibacterial and for bad skin, hair cleaning, bug bites, annoyed and fatty skin and common skin care.  To test it, you may apply 5 drops in a facial vapor inhalation.



This is so great antibacterial essential oil that eliminates flying microorganisms and is frequently applied in vaporizers to heal congestion, cold, virus, take care of sinus, fevers, as well as asthma and bronchitis.  It has also been put into practice to assist restore lung tissue.  It is frequently applied in pharmaceutical medicaments for cold measures and release.   It is frequently put in shampoos to have power over dandruff and act as a natural deodorant.  Eucalyptus combines and works fine with cedarwood, thyme, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, lemon, and pine.


Contemporary scientific researchers have showed that Roman chamomile and German chamomile divide up a lot of the identical ingredients, and that chamomile does certainly follow its conventional standing. Accepted as a tea or fluid extraction, chamomile can lessen intestinal ache from heartburn, boils, and gasses. Chamomile cream can assist decreasing indications of eczema and psoriasis, as also lend a hand in healing burns.

Precipitous chamomile plants, or tinctures (compounds made from aromatic plant and alcohol, or aromatic plant, water and alcohol), in the bath, can assist healing numerous unwanted skin harms, such as hemorrhoids for example. The breathed in vapor from the cocktail or decoction aids lessen cold indications, while the decoction itself or the tea can be applied as a washer of your mouth or rinsing of your throat to facilitate reducing ache from gum ailment or oral cavity wounds. The conventional herbalist, for instance, tension chamomileýs major established purpose, is to give a protected and calming nervine.


German chamomile (Kingýs: Matricaria)

It is a vital medicine, for the most part in fondness of small kids. It functions in two exacting particular areas of actionýone, over the nervous structure, restraining nervous touchiness, and the other function over the gastro-intestinal tract, reducing its annoyance. It works as a nerve tranquilizer and in addition as a stimulant upon the tract of the gastro-intestinal system.

Vedran Hasanagic


The Essence of Healing Part 2

Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine formed on the base of unstable fluid plant resources. The usage of aromatherapy can advantage you in a lot of ways. Aromatherapy is a nonspecific term that relates to some of the diverse ways of life that make use of essential oils from time to time in mixture with additional alternative medical performs and physical values. There are around 150 essential oils. The majority of these oils have antibacterial qualities; some are antiviral, anti-seditious, pain-relieving, expectorant and anti-depressant.

Aromatherapy is the procedure by which therapists use a variety of natural fragrances (plants and oils are regularly foundation of these fragrances) in the hopes of supporting stability and the general physical condition to a person’s life.

Two fundamental techniques are obtainable to give details for the supposed outcomes. One is the control of aroma over the mind, particularly the limbic structure through the olfactive system. It has a predominantly Western trade and influence. Bathing in essential oils is entirely natural methods to release filled with dirt pores and ease the indications of exhaustion and muscle nervousness.

Aromatherapy can in addition be practiced to effortlessness the embarrassment of torment from flu’s and colds. Oils such as ginger, clove, eucalyptus, juniper, peppermint, and other aromatic plants can assist the congestion relieving processes. Sweet-smelling herbal baths have been related to as a “rehabilitation of the body and the soul” in view of the fact that they optimistically affect one’s frame of mind and common health. Trained aromatherapists, as well as massage therapists, doctors, osteopaths, and nurses are some of the individuals who perform aromatherapy. Phytoncides, some natural VOCs and essential oils act through dissimilar methods.

Aromatherapy is shown to be so efficient at reducing annoyance that there are nowadays numerous profitable aromatherapy arrangements on the marketplace prepared more than ever for this function. Aromatherapy includes aromatic and essential oils. These oils are planned to restore or protect taken as a whole the health and are intended to assist stress relieving procedures. Additionally, the oils are practiced to restore to health the body and mentality from different complaints.

Aromatherapy oils arrive from natural starting place, such as vegetation, rind, flora, herbal plants, and many others. Aromatherapy bath occurs to be an incredibly efficient technique for calming stressed and tired people. Aromatherapy oil is the essential oil that moves toward from the refinement or any removal result of additional aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy applies this rule to supply a calming and positive break away from our daily worries, reservations or household tasks.

Humans with high blood demands should stay away from Hyssopus officinalis, sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus), and rosemary. Diabetics should steer clear of angelica oil. Women who are heavy with child or nursing should stay away from a number of oils. The essential oils arrive in an assortment of aromas. These oils work to present peacefulness to the body, while helping the personality. Benefits of aromatherapy can be obtained through a combination between appropriate inhalation and massaging. And as stated above, you can apply aromatherapy oils instead of fresheners, décors, and others.

Aromatherapy, a practice applied for thousands of living, is starting to be exposed by the American therapeutic organization. This entirely natural procedure has become incredibly admired in the previous decade.

Aromatherapy can be managed in more than a few diverse methods. You can have an aromatherapy body spray or apply aromatherapy cream. An innovative aromatherapy practice is through the usage of aromatherapy herbal collection on your body.

Although the amount of oil required for effective healing, the effective method of application and period of treatment are some of the issues that still require clarifications but still aromatherapy is gaining importance as one of the best natural way of healing both physical and mental problems.

Advocates of aromatherapy have given many methods of application of aromatherapy. Some of the most common approaches or methods of application of aromatherapy are discussed below:


Inhalation: Beneficial in problems related to respiration

Diffusion: Beneficial in calming the nerves, enhancing the feeling of well being and improving the respiratory conditions

Massage: Massaging can be effectively used for stimulating or calming the nerves depending on the type of oil used. Massage can be an effective remedy for easing the muscle soreness and sprains.

Bathing: Effective in case of skin allergies or skin problems
Hot and cold compresses: Effective in easing muscle pains or aches, headaches or bruises

The secret of aromatherapy is hidden in the proper combination between essential oils and precise technique of its usage over the human body.

Vedran Hasanagic


The essence of Healing

Aromatherapy is the practice of applying unstable plant oils like the so called “essential oils”, for psychosomatic and corporeal comfort.

Essential oils, the unadulterated extract of a plant, have been discovered to contribute to both psychosomatic and bodily profits when used properly and carefully. There are commonly over 90 different variations of essential oils. Details for these oils can be found mainly in Internet. Frequently, aromatherapy is consisted of Hydrosols, CO2s and Absolutes. The famous term “essential oils” is used as a blanket to indicate the absolutes and CO2s, although these 3 substances are distilled in completely different ways.

Additionally to the essential oils, aromatherapy stimulates the usage of other modern natural components like the liquid wax of jojoba, the hydrosols; some vegetable oils (cold pressed), many herbs, sea salts, milk powders, clays and muds, and exfoliant sugars.

Products that are consisted of man-made elements are applied in holistic aromatherapy. It is significant to remark that fragrance oils also acknowledged as perfume oils (although habitually listed as “fragrance” on the component tag), are not the identical to the essential oils. The difference is in their qualities. Essential oils provide many therapeutic profits, while the man-made perfume and fragrance oils do not have such qualities, because they contain chemicals.

The healing abilities of aromatherapy were famous to the people even since the time of the ancient civilizations. Then, they didn’t call it “aromatherapy”, but the methods were similar to those we know today. There are many cases in which the practice of this method healed many people, scars, unwanted skin diseases and many others.

Today, the word “aromatherapy” can be rarely met in a product description. However, in the common case, appropriate products for aromatherapy are marked in a specific way. People always have had a great interest in the usage of aromatherapy because of its health and well-being benefits.

History of Aromatherapy

In short, aromatherapy is the use of unstable plant oils, together with essential oils, for mental and bodily health. Although the term aromatherapy was not used until the 20th Century, the fundamentals of aromatherapy trace back their history thousands of years ago. The usage of essential oils itself, traces back its history with around one thousand years.

The Chinese may have been one of the earliest civilizations to apply sweet-smelling vegetation to improve their health. These practices included burning incense to be of assistance in creating the desired harmony and stability.

Later, the Egyptians discovered an elementary cleansing piece of equipment, which made the raw extraction of cedar wood oil possible. Moreover, it’s considered by a number of people that Persia and India have maybe also invented crude refinement equipment, but almost no data remained till today.

Oils of clove, cinnamon, cedar wood, myrrh and nutmeg were used by the Egyptians to mummify the dead. When a burial place had been unbolt in the early years of the 20th century, traces of the aromatic plants were exposed with undamaged parts of the corpse. The smell, although feeble, was still sensible. Even though the cedar wood, used by the Egyptians was extracted by a crude refinement procedure, the other oils the Egyptians used were mainly infused oils.

The Egyptians applied infused oils and herbal medication for spiritual, therapeutic, aromatic and makeup usage. It is considered that the Egyptians created the word “perfume”, from “per fumum”, which means “through the smoke” in Latin. During that time, the men of Egypt used fragrance as frequently as the women did. An attention-grabbing technique that the men applied to perfume themselves was to put a decent cone of aromas on their skulls. Then it slowly melted and covered them with pleasant perfumes.

The Greeks erudite an immense knowledge from the Egyptians, but the Greek folklore in fact takes the gift and information of aromatherapy from the legends about their gods. The Greeks in addition, acknowledged the therapeutic and sweet-smelling benefits of the plants. For instance Hippocrates, usually considered as the “father of medicine” accomplished fumigations for both fragrant and therapeutic profits.

A Greek perfume- maker, named Megallus invented a perfume called”megaleion”. The ingredients of this Megaleion admitted myrrh in a base of fatty-oil and were used for quite a few purposes- its fragrance, anti- excitatory assets on the surface of the skin and also for healing many aches and diseases.

Consequently, the Romans built upon the information gathered from the Egyptians and Greeks. There was a book named “De Materia Medica”, written by Discorides. It illustrated the qualities of around 500 plants. It is also known that Discorides studied the refinement processes of the plants used in aromatherapy (although then they didn’t call it aromatherapy). However, during that period, the refinement process focused on extracting sweet-smelling floral waters. The essential oils weren’t used in that period.

However, a main event for the refining of essential oils came with the development of a corkscrew cooling cylinder in the 11th century. Avicenna, who was a Persian scientist, discovered a corkscrew tube which made possible for the plant to vapor and steam for more effective cooling down than prior distillers, which used a straight cooling cylinder. The contribution of Avicenna advantages in acquiring better focus on essential oils and their profits.

During the 12th century, Hildegard (an Abbess of Germany) developed and purified lavender for its therapeutic qualities. During the 13th century, was established the pharmaceutical manufacturing. This scientific discovery gave confidence to the development of essential oils extraction.

Within the 14th century, literary millions of people died, because of the Black Death hit. Aromatherapy was applied comprehensively to assist fighting this awful destroyer. It is even considered that some perfumers, who avoided the plague, succeeded because of their steady contact with the natural fragrances.

In the 15th century, more plants were refined to produce essential oils together with frankincense, rose, juniper, rosemary and sage. An enlargement in the quantity of books on aromatic plants and their possessions also begins later on in the century. Paracelcus, an alchemist, therapeutic doctor of medicine and radical philosopher is accredited with inventing the word Essence and his scientific studies fundamentally challenged the character of alchemy and he centered upon using vegetation as remedy.

Within the 16th century, one could start obtaining oils at an “apothecary,” and lots of more essential oils were brought in. In the 16th and 17th centuries, aromatherapy was accepted and being considered as a form of art, and it was to a greater extent defined clearly as its own sphere.

Through the period of the 19th century, perfumery still proceeded to be a successful manufacturing. Women would have their jewel maker create them an extraordinary bottle to hold their precious aroma. The 19th century also was significant technically as major ingredients of essential oils became inaccessible.

Throughout the 20th century, the awareness of sorting out the components of essential oils was used to produce artificial substances and drugs. It had been considered that by sorting out the main elements and then using the components separately or in artificial variety, would be advantageous in therapeutic and economical attitude. These innovations assisted leading to the “contemporary medicine” and artificial aromas. This in reality destabilized the usage of essential oils for therapeutic and sweet-smelling advantages.

Through the time of the beginning of the 20th century, a French scientist, named René-Maurice Gattefossé became interested in the putting into practice the aromatherapy for its medicinal usage. Up to that time, he emphasized on the fragrant usage of essential oils and aromatherapy, but his attention in their therapeutic usage developed after a mishap finely tuned his interest. In the process of working, he burned his limb quite badly. By impulse, he plunged his burned upper limb into the nearest fluid that appeared to be a huge container of lavender essential oil. The burn he underwent was healed rapidly and didn’t leave any scars.

Since the late 20th century and on into the 21st century, there is an increasing rebirth to make the most of more the natural products admitting aromatherapy with essential oils for healing, makeup and perfuming advantages.



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